[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/guttmanncedric/files/2016/10/PD-483-questions-15nq4le.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]
Author: Cédric Güttmann
Class 2
Today in class we discussed what Industrial design means to us and we met with the professor. I discussed with him my plan to design a pair of personal hair clippers. He instructed me to create a new market gap map showing the contrary of low quality materials, colors, etc. vs. the ergonomics and general aesthetics of existing clippers.
I have attached the new Market gap map.[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/guttmanncedric/files/2016/10/market-gap-map-2-1g0a34k.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]
Assignment 1 > Define Industrial Design
[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/guttmanncedric/files/2016/09/PD483_A1_GüttmannCédric-177uvnz.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]
On the first day of class we discussed whether individual products were considered “Class” or “Crass”. We went over our design brief for the product we will be designing this term. We will be designing a personal care appliance.
Since I have been cutting hair for about 10 years I am confident that I would enjoy designing a pair of hair clippers. I actually cut my own hair and I know a lot of people do as well but the clippers are always designed from the perspective of the user being someone different from the individual getting their hair cut. So, I immediately thought of a market gap that I could potentially exploit.
Our first assignment was to define industrial design. I have attached my response to this question:
** (In order to view my pdf doc you can click the link at the top of this page or click download. The pdf also includes the market gap analysis.)
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