Art & Human Values Portfolio


What is this Portfolio for?

My AAD 250 portfolio is designed to organize information regarding the overall themes of the course, to document my overall growth with the different topics presented each week, and to relate this growth to the specific objectives of the course. Additionally, this portfolio is used to challenge myself and my audience (classmates and others who choose to view my blog) in a way that sparks a discussion about underlying personal beliefs and values.
The primary goals and objectives of creating this portfolio are to:
  • Document progress over the length of the course
  • Develop valuable computer skills
  • Demonstrate evidence of meeting course objectives

Who is the primary audience for my Portfolio?

This portfolio was primarily created to document personal growth, and to showcase this growth to my fellow classmates and Professor Huette. Due to the public nature of this portfolio, it is also available for future students to reference.


This portfolio is organized via a Table of Contents below. Each artifact included in this Table of Contents reviews a particular topic that I have explored in this class. In an attempt to truly understand each topic, the discussions will be examined further and reflected upon in order to finally compare to the overall objectives for that week. By doing this, I hope to better understand the topics myself, as well as assist others in grasping the overarching themes presented with the material.


Table of Contents 

Artifact #1: The Nature of Human Values

Artifact #2: What is Art for?

Artifact #3: Is Food Art?

Artifact #4: The Art of Personal Adornment

Artifact #5: Aesthetics of Horror

Artifact #6: Creative Spirituality

Artifact #7: Technology, Games, & Art

Artifact #8: Remixing Culture


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