Category: General Procedures & Policies for all Graduate Degrees (page 2 of 2)

A11. SOMD Procedures for Complaints and Grievances

Although it is expected that all SOMD community members will uphold the highest standards of professionalism, the SOMD recognizes that there may be occasions when a graduate student may encounter problematic situations during their graduate study. It is an objective of the UO that such situations have a prompt and formal resolution and that this be accomplished according to orderly procedures.

Most problems encountered may be resolved through interactions with the appropriate SOMD faculty, staff, or administrator. If a graduate student has an academic concern, they should first contact the faculty member and attempt to resolve the matter. If that effort is unsuccessful, or if the student is uncomfortable with that approach, the graduate student should contact the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, who will obtain relevant information and seek a resolution between the parties. If that effort is similarly unsuccessful, the matter may be referred to an appro­priate committee (standing or ad hoc) or to the SOMD Dean or an appropriate univer­sity office, including the UO Division of Graduate Studies. Formal graduate student grievance procedures for academic and non-academic concerns are outlined here:

If the student has a grievance against another student or another employee of the university, or if the student has a grievance that is not academic in nature, they should contact the appropriate university office: Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity or the Office of the Dean of Students. Additional resources are available through the following university offices: Ombuds Office, Accessible Education Center, Counseling Center, UO Health Center.

A12. Degree Work and Summer Sessions

Prior approval from the SOMD Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, the Director of Summer Session, and appropriate committee members is required for completing dissertations, theses, lecture-documents, recitals, comprehensive examinations, language examinations, final oral examinations, or special projects during the summer.

A13. Continuous Enrollment and On-Leave Status

The SOMD adheres to the Division of Graduate Studies’ Continuous Enrollment and On-Leave Policies. Review those policies at the appropriate links below:

In addition, students must notify the SOMD Graduate Office and their faculty advisor in a timely manner of any leaves they plan to take. Failing to notify them may result in the denial of the leave request.

Students living elsewhere while working on dissertations, theses, or lecture documents must be registered for a minimum of three (3) thesis/dissertation/research credits if they are using university faculty or facilities for degree-related activities.

A14. Completion of Degrees

To ensure timely graduation, graduating students must adhere to a schedule of important deadlines during the term prior to graduation and the term of degree award.

Information about these deadlines can be found on the Division of Graduate Studies website.

In addition to Division of Graduate Studies deadlines, the SOMD has three checklist items:

  • Schedule an advising appointment with the SOMD Graduate Office the term prior for a grad check. Doctoral students should also schedule an advising appointment the term prior to their scheduled comprehensive exam to confirm coursework completion.
  • Apply for your degree in GradWeb.
  • Complete the SOMD Commencement Survey. Note: Non-spring term graduates will receive the survey in the corresponding academic year’s spring term.

Minimum Registration requirements:

During the term in which a student is to receive a degree, they must be registered for at least three (3) graduate credits. If the student is completing a master’s degree thesis, registration in the final term must include at least 1 credit of Thesis (503). If a doctoral dissertation or lecture-document is being completed, registration must include no fewer than three (3) credits of Dissertation (603) or Research (601).

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