Students are responsible for informing themselves of all graduate degree requirements, procedures, and policies. The University of Oregon Catalog provides information on School of Music and Dance (SOMD) requirements in the music section, and the UO Division of Graduate Studies requirements in the Division of Graduate Studies section.

Music graduate students must fulfill the degree requirements specified in the Catalog of their admission year. If requirements change, they must meet either the original or the new requirements entirely, without combining them. SOMD procedural matters follow the most recently revised Policies & Procedures (P&P), regardless of enrollment term. It is recommended to consult the current Procedures and Policies annually.

All SOMD forms referenced in the P&P can be found on the SOMD Info For Grad Students website, while UO Division of Graduate Studies forms are available on the Division of Graduate Studies website.

Regularly checking your official UO email account in the domain is mandatory. Official communications, including important information from the Music Graduate Office, will be sent via email. For further details, refer to the UO email policy.

Source of Information Use
UO Catalog Contains complete details for all academic programs offered by the university. Use this page to reference the specific degree requirements.
UO Division of Graduate School Policies & Procedures Policies & Procedures for the Division of Graduate Studies. Reference this page for information on minimum degree requirements, important graduation dates/timelines, thesis/dissertation submission info, etc.
SOMD Policies & Procedures SOMD specific policies & procedures. Reference this page for SOMD specific requirements. These policies are IN ADDITION to the UO Division of Graduate School’s Policies & Procedures.
UO Registrar: Petition & Forms The UO Registrar maintain student records, course data, and anything related to course registration at UO. Visit this page for information about course registration and petitions to late drop/add courses.
SOMD Graduate Student Info Page General information for SOMD Graduate Students. Links to degree checklists, course projections, and recitals can be found here.
Individual Area Handbooks


Some SOMD areas have their own handbooks which provide more specific information pertaining to the area.


Any discrepancies between the area handbooks and the SOMD Procedures & Policies will be resolved by the SOMD Graduate Committee.


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