To ensure timely graduation, graduating students must adhere to a schedule of important deadlines during the term prior to graduation and the term of degree award.
Information about these deadlines can be found on the Division of Graduate Studies website.
In addition to Division of Graduate Studies deadlines, the SOMD has three checklist items:
- Schedule an advising appointment with the SOMD Graduate Office the term prior for a grad check. Doctoral students should also schedule an advising appointment the term prior to their scheduled comprehensive exam to confirm coursework completion.
- Apply for your degree in GradWeb.
- Complete the SOMD Commencement Survey. Note: Non-spring term graduates will receive the survey in the corresponding academic year’s spring term.
Minimum Registration requirements:
During the term in which a student is to receive a degree, they must be registered for at least three (3) graduate credits. If the student is completing a master’s degree thesis, registration in the final term must include at least 1 credit of Thesis (503). If a doctoral dissertation or lecture-document is being completed, registration must include no fewer than three (3) credits of Dissertation (603) or Research (601).