Professional & Leadership Development – Global Service Minor

      • Have your resume reviewed and approved, and make any necessary changes. Then, have the recruiter send an email to the Global Service Minor Director.
    • Attend a workshop on interview skills with UO’s Peace Corps Recruiter at the University Career Center
      • Interview skills will serve you well in all your future career and academic endeavors. Participate in a Peace Corps interview workshop or discussion and send the Global Service Minor Director an email with a brief (~ short paragraph) description of the experience and the name and contact information of the workshop leader.
    • Submit a 2-page summary of a significant leadership experience
      • Develop at least one significant leadership experience and write a 2-page summary and reflection explaining how the experience drew on and developed your leadership skills, what you learned, and what were some possible successes and failures that you learned from and can apply to future experiences.  Examples of leadership experiences include organizing a campus event, leading a work or volunteer project, or serving on the executive board of a student organization.