
In the Health sector, individuals work within their communities to promote important topics such as nutrition, maternal and child health, basic hygiene, and water sanitation.Volunteers also work in HIV/AIDS education and prevention programs, and create programs that provide emotional and financial support to families and communities affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Health concentration

3 courses from list of recommended courses and/or the approved health‐related subject codes

Recommended courses:

  • CDS 201 Communication Disorders in Society
  • HPHY 211 Medical Terminology
  • FHS 216 Diversity of Human Services
  • PPPM 202 Healthy Communities
  • ENVS 225 Intro to Food Studies
  • GLBL 340 Global Health and Development
  • PPPM 407 Public Health
  • SPED 411 Foundations of Disability
  • HPHY 410 Physiology of Aging
  • HPHY 470 Environmental Physiology
  • ENVS 410 Water, Public Health, Environment
  • GLBL 467 Global Mental Health
  • GLBL 465 Global Reproductive Health
  • GLBL 463 Population Displacement and Global Health
  • BI 309 Tropical Diseases in Africa

Approved subject codes

  • BIO Biology
  • CDS Communiation Disorders & Sciences
  • CPSY Counseling Psychology
  • ENVS Environmental Studies (Food Studies related courses)
  • FSH Family & Human Services
  • HPHY Human Physiology
  • GLBL Global Studies (Global Health related courses)
  • PPPM Planning, Public Policy & Management