- Document progress over the length of the course
- Develop valuable computer skills
- Demonstrate evidence of meeting course objectives
In this portfolio I hope to demonstrate my growth in the areas that are outlined as objectives for this Arts and Human Values class. That would be to document progress over the length of the course, that is to say my growth in my analytical ability when discussing art and value. I would like to show that I have grown in my computer skills, which I personally feel is a place where I have felt tremendous personal growth because I have never used a blog or word press before. The last goal of the course was demonstrating evidence of meeting course objectives, this is really just my efforts in learning and growing through the class. I think that through creating this portfolio I have given myself a bit more clarity in my direction in this course and my objectives moving forward.
The audience of this portfolio and in a wider scope my blog is in a direct sense is for my professor Scott Huette because it is his criteria on which I am judged and secondly for my group members, because these are the people that I am in dialog with and with these people we collectively grow and challenge our ideas. In a more broad definition this portfolio is for my classmates outside my group as an indirect sharing of ideas and lastly it is really for anybody with interest in the ideas of art and value relating to this class.
It is my hope that this portfolio will be easily navigable and that I have created an Intuitive outline and table of contents. I think that a well organized portfolio will help demonstrate my growth in the objective of demonstrating valuable computer skills. The table of contents includes hyperlinks and the artifacts are in an order that gives flow and order. Included is a bibliography which cites any sources used in the creation of artifacts and the portfolio itself.
Table of Contents
Artifact 1: A Question of Values
Artifact 3: Food as Art Research
Artifact 5: Creative Spirituality
Artifact 6: Technology, Art, and Games