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Artifact 6 Creative Spirituality


  • Become familiar with ways in which spirituality influences artists
  • Discuss the differences between spirituality and religion
  • Examine spirituality as a generative force and a well spring for creativity

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1.) I define spirituality as you inner being, that is somewhat guiding you. This is something that acts on its own, and can’t be taught to someone. It is part of their essence or soul, and is part of what drives people and makes them different. This is part of what makes each person special or unique is because they all have different spirits inside of them, making them different people. I feel like spirituality is what connects people to each other and to the earth itself, allowing us to be the people that we are supposed to be.

2.) Spirituality differs vastly from religion for many reasons in my mind. Since I was raised in a religious household, religion was something that was forced upon me, and I was taught to do things in a certain way because of it. If the two were the same I feel like I would still be as religious as I used to be, but because my spirituality is not exactly in line with my religion, I do things differently. I did not feel inclined to continue to follow my some of my religious beliefs because I feel like on the inside that wasn’t what I wanted or needed to do, and I feel like that is from my spirituality differing from my religion.

3.) Creativity to me is the little something inside of you that wants to make something, done before, or original. It is a little flare that wants something to stand out a little more, or make something thats never been seen before. It does not necessarily have to be new ideas, but something that you haven’t thought of. This means that creativity can be found in almost anything, and has a wide range for what goes into it. Creativity greatly differs from person to person, and because of this we see so many new and interesting things coming from different people.

4.) The source for creativity can come from just as many different things as creativity creates. For each different person the source of their creativity could be something unique, while others all stem creative ideas from the same thing. The source for me, as well as many other cases is either seeing something, and wanting something else different, similar, or better. This is how my creative side is shown, when I see or think about something and want it in a different way, or slightly better suited towards me. Others creativity sprouts from imagination, as well as personal experiences. These are to me some of the easiest ways to find sources for creativity, but that is just because it works for me, while other ways may work well for others, each persons creative instinct can come from a different area.


During this week we learned about spirituality and religion and how they influence artists. There are many different forces that help motivate artists, and I would call this an artists creative spirituality. For the weeks assignment it allowed me to look at my definition of spirituality, and how it differed from religion. I was also able to look into creativity and how it effects me and what kind of sources there are for creativity, and what my personal creativity sparks are.

By choosing this artifact I was able to look deeper into art and what it meant to me in my own definitions of it. I was able to see what kind of things drove my own creative spirituality and that is why I feel like this piece really helped me to figure out more about myself, and my own creative process. I found out some of the drivers of my own spirituality and how I can in a sense kick start it to help my creativity. This assignment made me think more about myself and what kind of things I believe in and trigger stuff not only my artistic side, but things that I believe in that have an impact on how I am.


In the future I hope to keep in touch with this kind of thing, and see how it changes. I do not often think about my creative spirituality often, and because of it I doubt I will be noticing changes and growth in it. If I try and pay more attention to it I may be able to manipulate how it works for me and be able to grow more as a person in this process. I want to try and keep in tact with this so I am able to see this change and growth and if I can use this knowledge to my advantage in situations.



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