Gains Mountain

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Gains Mountain

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People Watching


The first person I saw was a tale male with olive colored skin. He was pretty tall in my opinion probably around the same height as me. He has medium length hair, was wearing an Oregon sweatshirt, and jeans, with Nike running shoes. He had a pretty average backpack on and was walking at a […]

Food as Art Research


For my research I read the article, Is Food Art? Chefs, Creativity, and the Restaurant Business? This article is about how food is art, and focuses on both movies and restaurants, and how they portray food. By this I mean they try and show how the food has a certain craftsmanship to it. The chef manipulates the food to […]

Food and Art


The fact that so many things can be classified as art, but some still think that food is not art is somewhat ridiculous to me. Just like anything that is considered art, it is all dependent on the eyes of the beholder. While watching to video about fast food, and how it is so manipulated […]

What is Art for?


1.) The term paleoanthropsychobiological is a way to view humans history through psychological and biological manners. This term was coined by Ellen Dissanayake. 2.) When Dissanayake says, “making special” she was referring to the way humans developed mentally, and physically by being able to recognize things that were also special. This relates to the fact that […]

What is Art?


Through the reading by Dissanayake, and the TED talk about a Darwinian theory about beauty, I have come to some realizations about what art really is and why it makes something appealing to us, or more commonly called beautiful. I enjoyed the ideas that the TED talk provided about why we think something is beautiful, and […]

Life Values Assessment


  Today I did not do a lot of activities, mostly because it was a Sunday and even less of them had to do with my values, but some of them matched up with my values. I did a few things that had to deal with wisdom, friendship, health, and some personal accomplishment. Just in […]

A Question of Values Response


While doing this reading many thoughts went through my head about my own values, and how I come to “know” something. This was one of the parts that I found most interesting, because it is what really defines a person and can have a huge impact on how a person acts and how a person […]

Tasty at Home Pasta


The Science of the Best Fresh Pasta Reading this post was surprising to me, because I never really knew how to make home made pasta. I was very delighted when I found out how it easy it is, and it gives me some new motivation to make my own pasta at home instead of buying […]

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