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Art, Games, and Technology Research


I believe the thesis for the article, “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins” is about how technology has been developing along with art and how they have been developing together. “These changes are not simply technical effects. They contribute to maintenance and change of culturally conditioned conceptual patterns in the larger cultural historical context” (Jones, 21). Technology is a relatively knew concept, and it is constantly changing along with the world and art around us.


In addition to this I found a historical example from the reading that provided illustration of the thesis I talked about earlier. The example I found is about how some of the first computers were used to display pictures, “In the 1940s analogue computers were used to generate the earliest computer graphics and display them on oscilloscopes” (Jones, 22). This example shows how art and technology go together and have been developing in sync. They have been developing hand in hand since the start of computers and will continue to change the aspect in which we see art. We can see Jone’s thesis clearly in the world today in many different ways. One way that technology and art are evolving together is allowing people to create art in a completely new medium, as well as display it. Although its somewhat controversial, I think a great example is the medium of photoshop, and how it is displayed throughout society. It is one of the things almost every photo is being doctored by, and creating huge controversy over what is real and what is fake. Although it brings up a lot of issues, it is a great example of the combination of art and technology working together. Even with its bad reputation photoshop has many other purposes and is used to create beautiful art. In another outside source I found very similar notions about photoshop and how it is used with conjunction to art and technology. “Along the way, it became a lightning rod for controversy because of, among other things, the way it can be used to turn women’s bodies into unnatural magazine-cover icons, or its use by propagandists and your casually mendacious social-networking buddies who doctor their vacation snaps” (Manjoo,1). Although it has some of these bad reputations photoshop is one of the biggest applications combining art and technology that is present so often in our lives. Art has been something developing for millions of years, but because of technology it recently has had new mediums and ways for it to develop, and allow art to become a bigger part of our lives because of it.


Sources cited

Jones, B. J. (1990). Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins. LEONARDO: Digital Image – Digital Cinema Supplemental Issue, pp. 21-30.


Manjoo, F. (2015, February 18). Photoshop at 25: A Thriving Chameleon Adapts to an Instagram World. Retrieved March 2, 2015, from

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