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Food and Art


The fact that so many things can be classified as art, but some still think that food is not art is somewhat ridiculous to me. Just like anything that is considered art, it is all dependent on the eyes of the beholder. While watching to video about fast food, and how it is so manipulated to create an almost fake image to draw in the customer, it makes me think of how some physical pieces of art can also be changed to draw in the viewer, but after closer examination and discovery someone can tell its really not good. This can also be similar to looking at an imitators artwork, and noticing subtle differences in brushstroke, and tones. Contrary to this when watching the video about slow food, and how delicately it is crafted and put together to make contrasts and tastes for the customer, it reminds me greatly of the hard work and time it takes to create a dish so wonderful. Telfer writes, “Our reaction is aesthetic, in many simple cases, if it is based solely on how the object appears to the senses”(Telfer, 9). Telfer is reminding us how we determine if something would be considered art to a person, and it is completely based on how the piece appears and effects the senses of the patron.


When we see this we can tell that art can really be anything, which is why I so pasionatly believe that food can be an art. Art has constantly been changing to include more diverse topics from music, dance, poetry, and physical artworks, and because of this I think the creation and appeal that food brings to us should place it also in the category of art. In the world of cooking plating is a major factor in weather your dish is good or amazing, being able to have that eye and know just how to plate something or create food that is also appealing to the eye is very artistic to me. In Telfers writing she also talked about foods that were created not to be eaten, but just for aesthetic appeal,”It could be argued that these objects are not food, since they were not intended to be eaten, but food properly so called is likewise often arranged or decorated in creative and attractive ways which constitute a visual work of art”(pg 13-14). In this sense there was food created to become a work of art with food as the medium for the artwork. In the world we are living it today nothing can stay the same for to long, technology and change are bitting at our feet, and if people are not up to speed to change with it they will be left behind. If people are unable to change their views on something as simple as considering something art, then I find it difficult for them to be keeping up with art in general, and being able to see the real beauty in all forms of artwork.



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