

Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program (TAAP) supports master artists as they share their traditional knowledge and skills with apprentices from the same cultural group.

The Statewide Folklife Survey is an exciting fieldwork project sponsored and coordinated by the Oregon Folklife Network.

Telling Our Stories is a fun, interactive online website that provides a toolkit for community self-documentation.

The Fieldworker’s Toolkit is an ongoing series of workshops.


The Warm Springs Sound Archives Project was a collaboration between OFN and the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs.

Native Language Arts Apprenticeship Program, in collaboration with the Confederated Tribes of Grande Ronde, paired the Chinook Wawa language revitalization program with traditional basketry practice.

Folk Arts in the Parks a collaboration among Oregon Parks and Recreation, the Oregon Cultural Trust, the Oregon Arts Commission, and the Oregon Historical Society, introduced a variety of Oregon’s diverse traditional artists to 11 state parks in 10 counties. Two-hour interactive programs engaged over 500 park-goers during June weekends in 2013 and 2014.

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