Posts by Zoe Steeler

Passing it on: The Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program – Deadline for applications is April 1!

Published on: Author: Zoe Steeler

Brad McMullen We are currently accepting applications from master artists and their apprentices for our Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program (TAAP). One of the Oregon Folklife Network’s cornerstone programs, TAAP assists master artists to teach and pass on their living traditions to promising apprentices from the same cultural background. Master artists receive stipends to cover training… Continue reading

State Legislators Recognize Traditional Artists

Published on: Author: Zoe Steeler

On November 16th, the OFN recognized 28 master artists and four years of our Traditional Arts Apprenticeship Program with an award ceremony hosted at the beautiful Oregon State Library in Salem. Legislative representatives and senators presented framed certificates to artists from their districts and acknowledged their important contributions to Oregon’s living cultural heritage. Master artist… Continue reading