Community Day at OHS with FisherPoets!

Published on: Author: A.E. Decker

Come on out for a FREE Community Day featuring fisherpoets Moe Bowstern, Jon Broderick, Jay Speakman, and Cary Jones on Saturday, December 13 at the Oregon Historical Society. OFN is proud to co-sponsor this event with our partners.

Community Day takes place on Saturday, December 13 at the Oregon Historical Society (1200 SW Park Avenue, Portland) with activities from 11 a.m.–3 p.m. Admission is free all day (10 a.m.–5 p.m.). Help OFN and OHS celebrate this important legacy with a day full of activities sponsored by Portland General Electric.

Community Day schedule:

• 11 a.m. – Special writing workshop with FisherPoet Jon Broderick (open to all ages; space is limited).
• 1-3 p.m. – Performances by some of Oregon’s finest FisherPoets including Cary Jones, Moe Bowstern, Jon Broderick, and Jay Speakman.
• 11 a.m.-3 p.m. – Hands-on activities for the whole family including knot tying lessons.

To learn more, visit OregonLive’s event spotlight for photos and videos of the fisherpoets in action.

The annual FisherPoets Gathering (Astoria, Oregon) celebrates the occupational traditions and stories of commercial fishermen throughout the Northwest with performances of poetry, prose, and song. Providing opportunity for reunions, activism, and community discussion, the Gathering is a key cultural experience for men and women involved in the Northwest commercial fishing industry and provides an opportunity to learn more about the danger and beauty of working on the Pacific.