FoFG 2020: Staff and Faculty

Name: John Arroyo
UO Email:
University Affiliation: Faculty
Position: Assistant Professor in Engaging Diverse Communities, PPPM
Words of Encouragement: “If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.” ~ Shirley Chisholm.

Name: Gretchen Hill-Marino
UO Email:
University Affiliation: Staff
Position: Academic & Career Advisor
Words of Encouragement: Once a First-Gen always a First-Gen. Thus the need to be ever more resilient, while identifying and accessing your resources and networks during your academic and post-academic career, and being an advocate for yourself. Being the first in the family to obtain a degree(s) is empowering, rewarding, and no easy feat. Therefore, incorporating habits of self-care into your routine, developing structure, and embracing your coping skills will have lasting effects. Be easy on yourself and remember, you’re always doing your best. Your best just looks different day to day.

Name: Lorena Landeros
UO Email:
University Affiliation: Staff & Alumni
Position: Academic Advisor; Lundquist College of Business
Words of Encouragement: You’re probably used to doing things and figuring it all out by yourself, but there are so many people who care about your success. Take that first step, it doesn’t have to be hard. There are so many people and resources available to you.

Name: Audrey Lucero
UO Email:
University Affiliation: Faculty
Position: Associate Professor of Language and Literacy; College of Education
Words of Encouragement: You belong here, and we’re glad you’re here. Get involved and reach out to faculty, staff, and friends when you need support.

Name: Tara Parrillo
UO Email:
University Affiliation: Staff
Position: Director; TRIO Student Support Services
Words of Encouragement: I was raised by a single mother who, despite not having a college education, helped my brother and I earn our undergraduate degrees and go on to complete graduate degrees. As the Director of TRIO SSS, I want to pay the advocacy I received from my mother forward and advocate for first-generation students as they work towards earning their degrees. Believe in yourself, build a support team, and know there are people here who will support you unconditionally.

Name: Tina Phifer
UO Email:
University Affiliation: Staff
Position: Assistant Director; Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarship
Words of Encouragement: I was the first person in my family to graduate from college, and in a few months I will be the first to get a Master’s degree. My family didn’t have the know-how to be able to help me navigate college, so I relied on the awesome staff and instructors at my university to help guide me through all the tough parts. There is community out there to support you, if you just reach out!

Name: Laura Pulido
UO Email:
University Affiliation: Faculty
Position: Collins Chair, Professor of Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies & Geography
Words of Encouragement: Going to college is a life-changing experience. One of the hardest parts for me was how it initially changed my relationship with my family, but we eventually emerged closer than ever.

Name: Heather Quarles
UO Email:
University Affiliation: Faculty
Position: Spanish Instructor, Department of Romance Languages
Words of Encouragement: You got this. The fact that you are here proves it. But you don’t have to do it all on your own. Once I started meeting regularly with my academic advisors I went from feeling like I would never graduate, to finishing a term early. Use that support system – it works!

Name: Michael Schill
UO Email:
University Affiliation: Faculty & Staff
Position: President & Professor of Law
Words of Encouragement: I felt like a fish out of water during my first days and months at college. To any student who feels the way I did, I would encourage you to connect with an advisor, your professors, and our great staff. Ask them questions and take advantages of all the opportunities the university has to offer you. You earned your place here, and we are proud to have you as a part of the Duck family.

Name: Carol Stabile
UO Email:
University Affiliation: Faculty
Position: Professor; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Interim Dean, Clark Honors College
Words of Encouragement: Keep asking those questions!

Name: Suzie Stadelman
UO Email:
University Affiliation: Staff
Position: Education & Prevention Outreach Coordinator in University Counseling Services
Words of Encouragement: I didn’t even know I was a first-generation student when I came to college so I didn’t know where or how to access resources. I was so afraid of looking “dumb” I did a lot of pretending that I knew what I was doing. I would encourage you to connect with resources and admit you don’t know things. There are so many people on this campus that deeply care and are willing, able, and ready to help!

Name: Norma Trefren
UO Email:
University Affiliation: Staff
Position: Multicultural Academic Counselor & Native Retention Specialist in CMAE
Words of Encouragement: You have so much support, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need any support.