FoFG 2020: Students

Name: Hannah Abikzer
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: Biochemistry
Words of Encouragement: You can succeed no matter where you come from. Be the person you want others to be proud of. You can do it!

Name: Janeth Alonso Alonso
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: Family Human Services
Words of Encouragement: Life is short, time is fast, no replay, no rewind, so we enjoy every moment as it comes. And always be hungry for success.

Name: Alolkoy Ard
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: English
Words of Encouragement: For me there was this internalized pressure to succeed as the first college student in my family. You learn that your family loves you regardless. There’s a lot to learn but in the end, it’s so worth it.

Name: Matilde Arias
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Leadership Position: First-Year Secretary for ASUO
Area of Study: Political Science
Words of Encouragement: Imagine being years into future succeeding because you put in the work and effort. Wow.

Name: Jessie Benavidez-Green
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: Family and Human Services through the College of Education
Words of Encouragement: So often, in a plethora of ways we are separated and reminded of the lack of knowledge and experience that we have in our corner as we navigate getting into college and the journey itself. I’m not going to lie to you – college is hard and I can’t tell you how many nights I stayed up way too late or cried myself to sleep. But all you must do is continue to get up and fight another day. Don’t get overwhelmed by thinking too far into the future and know that you are more than capable of hard things and all challenges that college brings. Find a way.

Name: John Bran
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: Psychology
Words of Encouragement: As a first-generation student, I didn’t necessarily see it as a superiority competition with my family, I saw it as a celebration for teaching their son the ethical values, who always used his grit to pursue his college dream! Go Ducks!

Name: Christina Campbell
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: Business
Words of Encouragement: Never give up even when others tell you that you should. Keep pushing yourself to be better than what you were yesterday.

Name: Jasmine Centeno
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Leadership Role: IMPACT Student Coordinator
Area of Study: Psychology & Spanish
Words of Encouragement: Right when you think you have no more to give, there’s always an opportunity that comes and challenges you to be more, and in that process you find just how immeasurable your strength truly is. The world is yours. Be fierce, be bold, be you.

Name: Bethany Chan
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: Mathematics
Words of Encouragement: Never be afraid of asking questions. Not only are you understanding a concept or lesson better, but you are creating a relationship with those around you and showing that you care about your learning.

Name: Madelynn Davis
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: Art
Words of Encouragement: It may seem daunting at first, however, taking that first step to beginning your future is so empowering. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to explore this new world of college; you won’t regret it!

Name: Kyla Esselburn
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: Education Foundations and Spanish
Words of Encouragement: You can always do it. No matter how tough it gets, just remember four years go by faster than you think. By the time you are done, you will feel proud.

Name: Adriana Grant
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: Political Science & Women Gender Sexuality Studies
Words of Encouragement: University is a cruicial stepping stone to bigger opportunities and a brighter future. You are well on your way to achieving your goals. Don’t ever give up!

Name: Christian Hardenman
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: Landscape Architecture
Words of Encouragement: There is a world of helpful, encouraging people on staff at the U of O for people like us! Whatever your concerns may be, there is someone here who has an answer for you!

Name: alyssa hinojosa
University Affiliation: Graduate Student
Area of Study: Masters in Advertising and Brand Responsibility
Words of Encouragement: You are here for a reason and you can be anything you set your mind to. The only person stopping you is you. It’s your turn to pave the way.

Name: Elijah Johannigman
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: Human Physiology
Words of Encouragement: ot only are your friends and family supporting you, but so is the U of O. Just believe in yourself like this school did for me, and the rest will fall into place. Remember to focus on your well-being, study often but most of all go Win The Day!

Name: Kayla Lockwood
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: Art & Technology
Words of Encouragement: Don’t wait until you’ve reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud of every step you take towards reaching that goal.

Name: Mary Mainenti
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: FHS Major
Words of Encouragement: It is NEVER to late to get an education! I feel it is a privilege to be attending the UO, and feel I have an obligation to support and cheer on those who feel like they don’t belong. You do belong and are an important piece of the puzzle.

Name: Catie Mason
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: Cinema Studies (Major) & Creative Writing (Minor)
Words of Encouragement: I know it sounds like a cheesy coming of age film but follow your goals. It may seem scary at first but you’ll miss all the opportunities you don’t take.

Name: Isabel Richter
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: Biochemistry in the Clark Honors College
Words of Encouragement:  As a first generation student, you could be the start of an entire lineage of great scholars. You’re blazing the trail for those who come next. What’s more empowering than that?

Name: Adrian Sampedro Cruz
University Affiliation: Undergraduate Student
Area of Study: Family & Human Services (Major) & Special Education (Minor)
Words of Encouragement: Don’t let fear get in the way of creating a better and brighter future for you! Let your story be heard and don’t let other’s define who you are!