
Journalism ànd Communication School Studio Syllabus – ARCH 484_584_DRAFT 01032020

Studio Outline

Multi-scale, simultaneous approach to design

Urban Analysis         1:100     Studio

Urban Design            1:10       Team

Urban Architecture (site design, façade, interior spaces)     1:1         Individual


Studio Approach

Each student is important. In class course time will be spent with class discussion, case studies assignments, group work, pinups and desk crits. Desk crits will be more common at the end of the term. The

studio will operate in the research driven studio approaches of BIG and AMO/OMA. 

  • Urban Systems Analysis Tools
  • Use and development of existing tools from UO courses
  • Digital and or analog use of tools, group work
  • Infographics for strong visual communication of purpose and tool application


Envelope as Material Affect

At various scales students will design the ability of the project to create spaces of human comfort by understanding thermodynamics and temporal qualities of urban problems such as light, sound and air pollution. The later will be informed by human scale data collection using GIS based visual tools developed in Rhino Grasshopper. Students will then focus on the scale of the envelope to control material affect as defined as the qualitative experience in the environment that is given a place understood by the senses through the specific properties of a material and its assembly.


Field Trip

Students will make both virtual and or in-situ data acquisition visits to the site/s in Eugene, Oregon, following all University, local, state and CDC federal guidelines.


Stakeholders and Preliminary Consultants List

Juan-Carlos Molleda, Dean of the school of Journalism and Communication

Aaron Olsen, University of oregon campus planning

Florian Idenberg and or Jing Liu, Solid Objectives Architects, New York, NY

Ihab Elzehadi, University of Oregon, HiPE, indoor environmental quality expertise

Kevin Nute, University of Hawaii, Japanese Architecture and nature in architecture expertise

Weyerhauser, Wood manufacturing?

DR Johnson, CLT?


Program, Use and Planning Guidelines

Higher Education


– classrooms

– labs

– faculty


Addition Type


– addition to Allen Hall

– free-standing building

Common programming guidelines (*open to revision by Dean Molleda and Campus Planning):

– 20,000 sqft needed

– See master planning guidelines for maximum building envelope (max build-out encouraged)

– 75’ maximum building height (to be confirmed)

– approximate 15’ floor to floor at industrial use spaces

– 15-20% circulation efficiency

– provide lobbies, bathrooms, mechanical spaces and exterior spaces are required or determined by instructor

– 30’ maximum tenant unit depth for day lighting preferred


Critical Design Issues

– Context and Place Branding

– Organizational Systems

– Material Performance Research

– Documentation and Analysis

– Identification of External Conditions and Contextual Attachment using Media

– Synthesis and Abstraction of Systems

– Digital Parametric Design


Instructional Methodology

The course is organized as one interactive studios in which students engage in independent project-based learning. Faculty will support student explorations by informing students of resources, suggesting approaches and methods, and raising questions for individual use in design work and for group discussion. Emphasis will be on a mutually supportive studio environment stressing collaboration and design development through recycling of ideas. Work must be developed and shared in the studio. Class meetings include a variety of communication and project-development formats including desk critiques, pin-ups, reviews, in-class discussions, team work sessions, lectures, and occasional field trips including visits to Springfield. Reviews will be organized so that students revolve through small groups over the course of the term. Design critiques will include feedback from peers as well as the instructors.


Non-traditional Learning

Weblog participation and related sketchbook work for diagramming ideas is required. The weblog posts will provide two mechanisms for learning: 1) the collection and organization of work in a single shared learning space and 2) the use of comments between students for peer-to-peer learning and to enhance writing ability.

The sketchbook is a place for notes, in-situ drawing, and drawing to test ideas. You should draw systems diagrams, examples will be provided. A diagramming method of thinking, visualizing in the mind (including differentiation) and then concisely draw the idea in 30-60s will be presented.


Course Folder

A course folder: Arch 4_584 SPERANZA is located in the AAAFILESERVER. Instructions for accessing the studio folder are available on the AAA website. The studio will use a weblog to communicate and post assignments.


Grading and Evaluation

Pass / No Pass. To receive a grade of pass all students must complete all assignments and final project requirements by the scheduled due dates. Work must demonstrate

satisfactory progress in the development of architectural design skills. Evaluations will be conducted in a required end-of-term exit interview with the studio instructor and documented in a completed evaluation form given to the student and placed in the student’s file. The evaluation form can indicate a “marginal pass,” an advising note that

does not go in student’s transcripts but is used to alert students to potential problems in

their progress. Students receiving a marginal pass in studio are required to attend an

advising meeting to determine whether they are ready to advance to the next studio level. A mark of “incomplete” will be given only in accordance with University regulations for necessary excused absences such as documented medical emergencies.



ARCH 4/584 students are expected to attend all studio meetings, be on time, and stay for the entire session unless communicated in advance. Send the instructor an email if you will be absent. Students who have missed 2 classes are required to meet with their instructor before returning to studio. Students are expected to work only on studio related activities during studio time.


Student Work and Portfolio

At the end of the term students will add this project to their E-portfolio. All original drawings and models completed as part of the course requirements may be retained permanently by the Department. Students whose work is selected for the Department archives will have the opportunity to photograph or otherwise reproduce the work for their portfolios. Each student is required to contribute to the deliverable produced to be sent to the client group and provide for possible further development subsequent terms. This will be done via the weblog and possibly a book.


Accommodation for students with disabilities

The University of Oregon is committed to providing inclusive learning environments. Please notify your instructor if any aspects of this course result in barriers to your participation. You may also contact UO Disability Services in 164 Oregon Hall, 346-1155 or If you have a documented disability and require accommodations in studio, please meet your instructor to show your notification letter.


Academic integrity

Students should be familiar with University policies related to academic integrity and consequences for dishonest conduct. All work submitted should be your own and all sources should be cited. Questions about how specific assignments should be handled with regard to collaborative work, citations, or any other issues can be raised in class. Principles of academic honesty and professional ethics also apply to any use of

computers associated with the studio. This includes observing all software licensing requirements and respecting copyrights of intellectual property published on the Internet.


Project ownership, publication and publicity

Work created for credit and/or using the facilities of the School of Architecture and Allied Arts belongs jointly to the school and the student. The AAA reserves the right to document and display all original work for the purpose of documenting student performance as mandated by the National Architecture Accrediting Board [NAAB]. Furthermore, the school reserves the non-exclusive right to use images or likenesses of the work for publicity and display in print and electronic media as well as to submit such work for competitively reviewed exhibitions or to various award programs. The School and its representatives [including faculty and staff] have the non-exclusive right to us such work as illustrations in scholarly and/or technical publications and presentations.


Reading List:

Atmosphere InFormed: Design Awareness of Small-scale Differences of Atmosphere in Architecture and Urban Design, EDRA Best Paper Award 2018

A human-scaled GIS measuring and visualizing social interaction in Barcelona’s Superilles, Journal of Urbanism accepted publication, by Philip Speranza

“Parametric Methods and Place’, Journal of Urban Design, by Philip Speranza

New Ecological Interaction, 18th International Conference on Advanced Urban Designing and Transportation 2016, by Philip Speranza  (ICAUDT Presentation)

Social Interaction and Cohesion Tool: Integrating Socio-Computational Design in Urban Ecology for Barcelona’s Superilles,” ACSA Conference 2016, by Philip Speranza

Social Interaction Cohesion Tool_ACADIA 2015

  1. Atmosphere + Design

Give Me a Gun and I Will Make All Buildings Move   by Bruno Latour and Albena Yaneva

Constructed Atmospheres Lecture” by Philippe Rahm

Envelope” in Pidgen Seven reading by Alejandro Zaera-Polo which talks about Latour’s idea of attachment and materiality.

Not Unlike Life Itself by James Corner

A Thousand Years of Non-Linear History_De Landa

click here  for the introduction to The Nature of Economies by Jane Jacobs.

click here  for the chapter titled Unpredictability of the The Nature of Economies by Jane Jacobs.

click here  for an except discuss the notion of import replacement from Jane Jacobs book The Economy of Cities.

Place Branding Readings:

The difference is in the detail_Vitiello Willcocks

Place Branding_Editorial_Anholt





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