SPED Hosts
Hosting Special Education field study students:
UO students in the SPED minor program are required to take two or three terms of field study and spend either 3 or 6-hours a week in and educational setting with students with disabilities. These students are instructed to use the COE sign up process and not contact teachers or buildings independently.
Placement types: educational learning communities that serve youth with disabilities, this includes life skills classrooms, transitional and or behavioral programs
Field Study Volunteer Activities:
Assigned tasks should be mutually beneficial and meaningful; giving students the opportunity to gain and practice new skills, connect with students/clients and staff. They are with you to pitch in, help out, and engage directly in student support and learning under the host’s instruction. This can be whole group work, 1:1 with kids, and helping support or redirect students with behavioral issues. This is a teacher pathway program designed to help students get excited about becoming at SPED educator, so your mentorship is very much appreciate.
Hosting Qualifications:
- host have served at least one year as practicing professional
- host be in good standing with your building admin, district, agency
- host be willing to provide field study student with engaging educational tasks
- host interested in providing career guidance to a future educator
Let us Add you as a Host to our FHS Field Signup List (follow link)
Program Terms: Fall (9/30 – 12/6/24) / Winter (1/6-3/13/25) / Spring (3/31-6/6/25)
To help students secure a field study site, we work with educational programs and teachers to curate specific volunteer intern opportunities. Then during course registration, students are provided with a list of field study hosts to pick from. Students typically make their selection based on site interest, location, hours, and availability. Once students have signed up, we provide hosts and students with contact information. Students are then instructed to send an introductory email and set up a next step conversation.
Student Site Volunteer Signup Timeline:
Our student sign up process aligns with term registration:
- Fall ’24: May 20-Sept 27 (late signup – through Oct 4)
- Winter ’25: Nov 18-No 27 (late signup – through Jan 10)
- Spring ’25: Feb 18-Mar 4 (late signup – through April 4)
To support students with changes to their schedule, field study sign up will remain open through the first week of the term.
Special Education Field Contacts / Resources
- SpEd Field Study Professor: Elisa Jamgochian, ejamgoch@uoregon.edu
- SpEd minor
- SpEd Faculty and Staff
- UO COE Field Services Coordinator, coeplacement@uoregon.edu | 541-346-1397
Return to Host a Field Study Student Sign-up
updated: 9/6/24