* Field Placements

UO Field Placement Affiliation Partnership

The University of Oregon’s College of Education partners with school districts and community organizations to arrange for field placement sites with willing cooperating professionals who meet state criteria and able to serve as a welcoming mentor in their respective learning community. Candidates not already working in a school, are not to independently contact teachers or building admin to arrange for their own practicum.

A. Become a Cooperating Professional/Mentor

    • Cooperating Professional / Educator:
      Interested and approved educators serve as mentors who demonstrate professional practices, provide critical hands-on opportunities for active observation, foster collaborative instructional planning and practice, and nurture a candidate’s development. Please contact your district admin or HR department to add yourself to the district approved list. The College of Education uses this list to assign candidates. Selected cooperating professionals will receive an email from a program representative with an invitation, training information, the program handbook, and placement date specifics. Candidate specific information is provided no later than two weeks prior to placement.
    • Pre-Service Educator Candidate:
      • Prerequisites Candidates must complete all prior course work with a cumulative 3.00 GPA or higher to be placed in a practicum. Candiates with incomplete course grades at the start of field placement, will be required to postpone the field experience to following term or until course is completed.
      • On-boarding Candidates are assigned to a site by their licensure program. Prior to entering the field, candidates must complete a TSPC and UO background check, Civil Rights and Professional Ethics certification process, obtain district / site background check clearance, and attend a program field experience orientation.
    • Practicum Supervision / Support:
      During terms clinical practicum terms, candidates are assigned a university supervisor who serves as a resource for both the candidate and the cooperating teacher. The supervisor is responsible for facilitating all TSPC required licensure lesson planning, observation, and evaluation activities.

B. Host a Field Study Student

    • Field Study refers to a field experience in which students are placed in a professional setting to extend their prior or concurrent learning by observing and participating in the experiences of that setting without engaging in any prescribed professional activities that serve the setting.