Midterm 2, Reviewer daisy.
the second midterm, was a good way to add on my project, and realize where have i improved and where i have stepped back since midterm 1, i got a lot of critical feedback from daisy regarding design, presentation, analysis …. presentation wise i realized that some diagram or drawings are not as essential, and can be expressed and explained verbally. for example the sun (lady bug diagram) should be in the presentation, it an analysis for me as a designer to know in order to make sun shading decisions. i should explain my diagram more and be able to deliver the idea through them without the need to talk about it. another thing is that having a plan view or my building on the site and a rendering from far away to give a relation to it with site context and surrounding building would be useful.
what they liked.
daisy like the fact that i developed the program in the ground floor and how people interact with such a space, how ever she mentioned that i need to also think to add more public outdoor places mixed with the residential mass, to have more interaction spaces than the typical ground floor public space.
what is is the next step.
my first step is how to adapt the program to the futuristic form that i need to figure out. i would like the form to follow a certain function to my building, for example i was thinking since Portland is a bike city, maybe the hexagons could form a path for mountain bikes to the top, where tournaments could take place …etc.
research the population of Portland per block, and figure out how many houses per block and the amount of people living there, likewise, i have to estimate the number of people living/working in my building to compare how my tower would be a vertical community and help solving sprawl.
thinking about the in between spaces, thinking how the shading device creates in between space, and the feeling that it gives with different scales.
issues im struggling with.
my main issue that im struggling with that my mind is set for realistic applicable designs. that could be built. which create a conflict with self and i go into endless loops of form that i would imagine but i will hate because i know it wont be able to build such form, or the purpose is too silly to make.
second, im trying to keep my building withing the range of the surrounding buildings, but how im going to build a vertical community while still respecting the surrounding scale.