Hank midterm-2




Feedback and Thinking From Midterm-2:

Diagrams need to be revised and be more “intelligent”. They need to be more self-explaining that people who have no idea with my program will understand my intention and progress immediately. Also, lots of details need to be added to the diagrams too. For example, the lighting of the working space and the basement of each unit; how the geometry is formed and developed; how the form is inspired by the nature growing principle; how to make use of the overlap.

Structure:  Instead of having two mirror main spiral structure on the very end of the “leaf”, design 6 smaller structures on both side of the leave. In that way, the wave-shape-profile of the building would become more prominent.

Transportation: In order to reduce the traffic pressure in the city, use special shuttles to travel vertically throughout different units. Also, use slop to connect the adjacent units that is dominant by bikes and pedestrians.

Communal space: Instead of having two space: one underneath the leaf, one inside the big column, try to connect those two public space together to create a more interesting connection.

Analysis: Explain more about what would happen to the city with the arrival of this mega system: will people be empty in city? How the people inside the system connect to other part of the city? How would the urban planning around the building would be changed? Have more statistic analysis about how much population could be hold in the system? How much percent population it help solve the problem of the land-using problem? How much density? How much area it take? How much plot ratio? What impact will the building exert on the city and the future?


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