From the mid-term review I have a strong idea of where to move forward with my studio project. My hexagon “shoebox” clusters were a topic of discussion. I have settled on elongating the shape and reducing the depth in order to improve the living conditions of the units. This will also solve the issue of getting light to the backs of the units as they will not be as deep. My solar light shelf idea was a talking point with my reviewer who liked the idea based on how it could function in different configurations. I will further develop this idea to adapt to my new elongated living clusters and allow for better use of the light shelf design. My reviewer also liked my multiple district idea but was skeptical of how I implemented it. I will dive deeper into how these district spaces react to the hexagonal clusters and how the whole structure will function as a whole from here on out. Overall I enjoyed this mid-term review and found it successful in helping me move forward with ideas. The structure was efficient and allowed for multiple prospective from professionals and my peers.