OFN Practicum: Week 10 Log!

We reached the final week! Emily, Maya and I met for a last meeting on Monday. We celebrated that are postcards are finally up on the Place Stories map! We discussed how easy it was to use Place Stories and the differences we found in posting a postcard versus a video. We compared the postcards and realized the taglines were somewhat different. They have now been adjusted to be more similar. We decided that all postcards should use the Classic layout. Maya will be emailing Nathan about the inventories we edited for Box 47 & 60. I will be adding the rural artists from the 2012 TAAP awardees to the possible artist list. And I will typing up the practicum guidelines Maya and I discussed. Lastly, Emily is hoping to post about the project in the OFN’s April newsletter. Maya and I could write something, although we thought Savannah might be a better fit. Emily should be contacting Savannah about this.

Maya and I met after Monday’s meeting and discussed the final guidelines. The basic steps are 1) Do Research 2) Write a Draft 3) Get Postcard Edited 4) Post to Place Stories and 5) Contact Artist. We decided to move contacting the artist to the end since getting the artist’s approval can slow the process down and these artists have already released their materials to the OFN in the past. Thus, we decided that we should just inform artists and check if they would like anything edited after we’ve posted about them. I typed up the guidelines today and I tried to make them as understandable as possible. They include a lot of resource information that is either in the Dropbox for the Rural Arts & Culture Map with the OFN or online. I’ve tried to compile all information a practicum student would need into that Dropbox. Hopefully the next practicum student will be able to move through the process more quickly and post more to the map! The guidelines also include suggestions for the future of this practicum since there are only so many artists living a rural area associated with the OFN.