Logbook Entry: February 11

Logbook Entry: List organizational and product stakeholders. Outline and prioritize target markets that you will address in your plan.

Organizational Stakeholders:

  • Leaders and members of Emerging Leaders in the Arts Network
  • Arts Administration Program
  • Americans for the Arts
  • Emerging Leaders Network
  • Architecture & Allied Arts Department
  • Community supporters of ELAN

Product Stakeholders:

All sponsors including:

  • Ninkasi
  • Bijou Art Cinemas
  • Jordan Schitzer Museum of Art
  • MECCA: Materials Exchange Center for Community Arts
  • BRING Recycling
  • Evviva CrossFit
  • Costco
  • Safeway
  • Track Town Pizza
  • Pegasus Pizza
  • Trader Joe’s

Other Product Stakeholders:

  • People who made art for Beats & Brushstrokes (artists)
  • People who will buy art at Beats & Brushstrokes (patrons)
  • Eugene arts and culture community
  • City of Eugene
  • Attendees to Beats & Brushstrokes
  • DJ Leftovers

We are definitely focused on the donor market, specifically the sponsorship market. As you can see, we have gained a fair amount of sponsors, but in order to meet our fundraising goal of $2000 it would best to get even more sponsors. We have a sponsorship packet that we have been sending out to possible sponsors that includes a list of reasons why an organization should sponsor our event such as increasing brand awareness and connecting to university students. There are many different sponsorship levels that give organizations different promotional opportunities from social media cross promotion to including their logo on all print materials to a website link on ELAN’s website. I don’t believe we have gotten a highest level donation yet, but we did get an individual donation at level 2 ($200). Perhaps, next year we should focus on individual donors. One way to do this, would be to start a Kickstarter campaign. This would increase the opportunity for individuals to support us rather than corporations. However, it is too late this year to put this plan into action. Though if we do not meet our fundraising goal this year, we may have to start a Kickstarter or another fundraising campaign after Beats & Brushstrokes in order to pay for Arts Venture. All of these questions will be addressed in the “Suggestions” portion of my marketing plan.