Professional Showcase ePortfolio Website

Assignment Description: Students will create and make live their Prototype Professional Showcase ePortfolio websites for presentation to the class.

Here is my official Showcase Website!


I had a lot of fun designing the layout for my website, but it was pretty difficult to transfer to my design to Dreamweaver. This is partly my fault since I created a fairly complicated design with two templates and a flash page. However, it wasn’t connecting these templates that I found difficult but the getting little functions to work like the light box gallery or the tagxedo. I actually ended up taking out the interactive tagxedo because I discovered it didn’t work on Mac computers. I also didn’t use a contact me form, because I wanted my email to be accessible, but I might change it be encoded later. I will be updating my research and internship information as that develops, but I tried to include interesting information for now. I don’t think I really understand how to use Dreamweaver yet, but I will be able to edit my website in the future.

Showcase ePortfolio Project Final Site Template Design

Assignment Description: Students will have their site design completed with navigation scheme in place, content areas identified and ready to export to Dreamweaver. Depending on the web production approach chosen, students will have to prepare and purpose their design and or design elements for that specific approach – production with HTML CSS, Divs, ApDivs, and/or combinations of these features. Students also need to have identified any additional programming features they will include – examples of this are galleries, java scripts that key specific actions, etc.

Here are the three templates I will be using to create my website:

The home page or splash page:

This is the basic template for my website:

And this is the template for the Professional page. Since the menu is an accordion style, I had to create a new template:

I would post PDF links, but my computer is functioning too slowly. I plan to use HTML because I am more familiar with it than CSS. All of these pages are sliced and ready to import to Dreamweaver. Each  page will have an image on the right and text on the left, with a quote in the smaller blue box. The social media boxes will link out. My resume will be split into sections that will each link to a new page (same window) with a full pdf link of the resume constant on each page. The most complicated page will be the portfolio. I’m guessing I will have to use a gallery widget. I’m hoping to have just a few thumbnail sized images that people can click on to see larger. Then I will just have hyperlinks to writing samples. The contact page will just list my email and a thank you. I’m not sure yet what functions will be difficult to manage until I start using Dreamweaver. I have the images and quotes ready. I need to work on the text for each page.


Showcase ePortfolio Project Timeline

Assignment Description: Students create a timeline, a chronology of events to complete their websites. The timeline is an outline of calendar dates detailing activities with specific tasks necessary to complete the website.

Showcase ePortfolio Website Project Timeline

1/20/13: Make website webmap

2/12/13: Make timeline and start designing template for website in Illustrator

2/14/13: Finish designing template for website in Illustrator

2/19/13: Collect all materials for website and modify for website design

2/21/13: Create homepage in Dreamweaver with buttons and rollovers

2/26/13: Create About and Portfolio pages in Dreamweaver

2/28/13: Create Contact page in Dreamweaver; fix any problems with other pages

3/7/13: Work on Professional pages in Dreamweaver

3/10/13: Finish Professional pages

3/15/13: Test all links, images and content and make adjustments as needed

3/16/13: Finalize site and present design

Here’s a PDF link of this timeline:

Showcase ePortfolio Project Timeline

Showcase ePortfolio Narrative and Webmap

Showcase ePortfolio Project Narrative

Assignment Description:

Students describe the intents and content for  their showcase ePortfolios, addressing what they will include, where they will get the content, types of media used, overall architecture/structure of the site, and how they envision user interaction. This is a precursor to mapping the site.


I want my showcase to be simple, easy to use and visual. I looked over all of the 2nd years’ showcases and Katrina Ketchum’s is my favorite. It has a nice sleek and consistent design. I especially like how she laid out her resume: very succinct and visual. I also noticed that she provided some information about her internship and research instead of saying “more info to come”. I’m going to try to emulate these choices in my showcase. I also like Danielle Walter’s showcase, specifically for her home page. Most people have their home page as their about page, but Danielle had this lovely photographic home page. I think I’m going to post my biopic video as my home page and then navigate people to the about page to learn more about me.

All of the pages of my showcase will have a header with my name, my personal branding words (Community Organizer, Creative Leader, and Conscientious Storyteller) and the quote: “Earth without art is just eh.” Below this will be the menu with just 4 options: About, Professional, Portfolio, and Contact. The professional page will have a drop-down menu with the following: Resume, Internship & Practicum, and Research. As I mentioned, I plan to post small statements of interest for my internship and research, so that those pages at least have some information. I believe this will help the site look more professional as I continue to work on my internship and research. For my portfolio, I am planning to include a lot of links to my other sites including my writing blog, ELAN social media, AAD Art World project, MetaphorADay twitter, Portlandia of the Free blog, published articles and eventually a podcast. I will also add PDF links to my favorite creative and academic writing. Since I am more focused on writing than visual art, I thought I would just have a little header of images that include some of my design work or photography. Lastly, I will have a simple contact page for people to email me. I am planning on creating a Linkden account so that I people can contact me there as well!

Showcase ePortfolio Project Webmap:

Assignment Description:

Students create and/or revise a flow chart/webmap that reflects the content categories/information chunks and the subset information that falls within each main chunk. Maps should be annotated with brief descriptions of what is to be included in each content chunk and where/how the content will be collected and/or generated.

Click link to see PDF:

Showcase ePortfolio Webmap