Final Reflection


A self-evaluation detailing your participation in the project option you pursue, especially in terms of the skills you brought to/developed during the process; any resonance the experience might have with your “career” goals (i.e. your major, your projected plans beyond graduation); and/or the ways in which the project might contribute to the “public sphere” via folklore or arts/culture programming.

Final Reflection Essay

Synthetic Essay 1


Critically consider the role(s) or place of a public folklorist/cultural administrator vis a visthe communities s/he works with when it comes to generating public programming. “Roles” hereshould be read as widely construed, comprising such varied concepts as practices(documentation, exhibition, etc); boundaries or social positionality; domains of ‘everyday’ (eg.leisure and experience); and/or responsibilities (ethical, political, social). Draw on an example(from your own experience, from the readings, something you’ve been considering) inarticulating your synthetic analysis.

Synthetic Essay 1