Showcase ePortfolio Project Timeline

Assignment Description: Students create a timeline, a chronology of events to complete their websites. The timeline is an outline of calendar dates detailing activities with specific tasks necessary to complete the website.

Showcase ePortfolio Website Project Timeline

1/20/13: Make website webmap

2/12/13: Make timeline and start designing template for website in Illustrator

2/14/13: Finish designing template for website in Illustrator

2/19/13: Collect all materials for website and modify for website design

2/21/13: Create homepage in Dreamweaver with buttons and rollovers

2/26/13: Create About and Portfolio pages in Dreamweaver

2/28/13: Create Contact page in Dreamweaver; fix any problems with other pages

3/7/13: Work on Professional pages in Dreamweaver

3/10/13: Finish Professional pages

3/15/13: Test all links, images and content and make adjustments as needed

3/16/13: Finalize site and present design

Here’s a PDF link of this timeline:

Showcase ePortfolio Project Timeline