Story Catchers Practicum: Week 5

This week I continued indexing. We have now reached half-way! If we keep up with this pace, we will definitely be done with the index by the end of the term. I’m thinking I will send the current index to Nancy soon to check that it fits the library’s standards, so that we have time to edit if necessary. I also had a presentation from the Lane County History Society recently and I thought it might be a good idea to contact them to see if they would also want to hold this archive. I think the Story Catcher’s collection would be a perfect edition to their oral history archive. Plus, holding the stories at the Historical Society will legitimize the project and probably allow people interested in Eugene history to more easily find the information. If Marsha agrees, I will ask the Historical Society if they would want to house the archive.

I also met with my friend who showed me some audio editing techniques. We went over some simple functions of Audacity including cutting, boosting and importing. The process seems fairly simple. Audacity is mostly used for basic editing such us cutting out sound and adding simple effects. I learned that one difference between Audacity and more professional audio editing software like ProTools is that ProTools keeps the original sound file and adds onto it, while Audacity permanently changes the audio file in order to save space. I will be downloading Audacity next week and officially start editing! Since there is only 4 weeks of the term left, I am thinking that I may not be able to edit enough stories to start a program with KLCC. I’m thinking I will edit Alito Alessi’s story and show it to KLCC as an example. Hopefully, this will start a conversation for next year when I can edit stories more regularly for the radio. So, I’m thinking I will only edit one full story this term, but that I could spend the rest of the quarter cleaning up the stories before giving them to the library to be archived. This could give me good practice and is probably a better use of my time based on the timeline. This way we can at least get the project archived this year and then focus on getting the stories on the radio next year.