Assignment Description:
Students create an original logo representing an organization or agency. This can be for a real or fictitious organization, and include a makeover of the organization brand. This piece will be used to create collateral materials which become the basis for the Graphics Standards assignment.
I created a logo for my Cultural Administration group project Grapes of Craft, which is a wine and craft festival focusing on glass artists.
Click to see image larger:
Reflection: Of all the projects we did this quarter, I am most proud of my logo. I think it is a great representation of the organization and a nice elegant design. I created the wine glass with a brush and then changed the stroke type to make it look more like calligraphy. I spent a long time creating the G and C of the wine glass so that they had complimented each other. I then found the Diago No type on The G matched the wine glass, but I had to manipulate the C (which took a very long time). I wish that I could use this logo for an actual organization.