Group Project

Assignment Description:

I. Each project will have an ‘executive summary.’ This will be a 1-2 page document that:

  • concisely outlines the project
  • details the process through which the project idea emerged
  • lists the outcomes or products developed by the group
  • lists the participants and their roles or responsibilities
  • includes short statements of justification (why) and logistics (how) for the project

II. Each project will consist of one of the following:

A. a grant proposal

  • targeted at an actual funding agency
  • adhering to current guidelines (even if a deadline has passed)
  • containing all required elements for review by the granting agency (though the proposal does not need to be submitted to the agency)

B. a project plan

  • detailing how the project will be realized
  • fully budgeted
  • outlining a planning timeline
  • specifying a detailed schedule for a central “event” or undertaking

III. Each project will also consist of one of the following:

A. publicity or marketing collateral: design drafts (what) as well as a plan (where/how)

  • possible components for the collateral: radio PSA scripts; Facebook event mock-up, social media strategy, print materials (brochure, poster, flyer, etc)

B. design framework for a significant or primary web presence: web page (or sub-page within a larger organization or entity)

C. sample of detailed “modules” of programming content: eg. curriculum plan for a workshop or lesson series; stage plans for an event in a concert series; engagement strategy for a community-planned exhibition

  • this element is best thought of as a fully-fleshed out component that might not fit in a grant proposal or overall project plan; more detailed and granular, and an opportunity to illustrate specifics of the project

Now I Am Here Project

Project Plan

Logo & Brochure

Oregon Folklife Network Van Project


Final Reflection


A self-evaluation detailing your participation in the project option you pursue, especially in terms of the skills you brought to/developed during the process; any resonance the experience might have with your “career” goals (i.e. your major, your projected plans beyond graduation); and/or the ways in which the project might contribute to the “public sphere” via folklore or arts/culture programming.

Final Reflection Essay

Synthetic Essay 2

Cultural programming in general draws on a broad range of skills, from the practical and bureaucratic to the conceptual and creative. Acquiring these skills may take place in the classroom, on the job, or through a host of other experiences—but how should they appear in a job description? This assignment contains two parts:

  1. a job description: Compose a “cultural programmer” job description/ad that encapsulates your understanding of what an ideal candidate would bring to the position; your description should list skills within the context of overall responsibilities, but avoid getting bogged down in details. The position may be “real” or imaginary, and can be project-specific or more organizationally-oriented. It need not have anything to do with “folklore” per se, but certainly can if that is where your interests lie.
  2. a justification statement: Drawing on the writings of at least two authors we have read and discussed in the preceding several weeks, articulate why you see certain skills or skill sets being integral to the job you describe/advertise.

Synthetic Essay 2


Synthetic Essay 1


Critically consider the role(s) or place of a public folklorist/cultural administrator vis a visthe communities s/he works with when it comes to generating public programming. “Roles” hereshould be read as widely construed, comprising such varied concepts as practices(documentation, exhibition, etc); boundaries or social positionality; domains of ‘everyday’ (eg.leisure and experience); and/or responsibilities (ethical, political, social). Draw on an example(from your own experience, from the readings, something you’ve been considering) inarticulating your synthetic analysis.

Synthetic Essay 1