Research Reading

Spring 2013

AAD 609 Research Reading

Instructor: Lori Hager

The purpose of this class is to develop student’s literature review for their graduate research. Students will complete 30 hours of work on reading and analyzing text related to their research topic. This class is in preparation for writing their research proposal’s in the Fall and their research papers for graduation. Each student will create a plan for this class that will address how they will conduct their reading process and track their progress.

Reading Research Plan

Research Questions:

What are best practices for facilitating storytelling workshops?

Does learning storytelling affect participants’ creative agency?

Literature Review Areas:

Since I have two main research questions, I will use this class to research both questions with the goal of deciding on one question by the end of the term. Thus, I will like to look into:

1)      Current documentation on facilitation practices and specifically in regards to storytelling

2)      Building an understanding of creative agency and how it can relate to storytelling

After reviewing the literature for each topic, I will be able to determine which of my questions is more feasible and applicable to my field.

Literature Review Process:

I will use my ePortfolio as way to document my progress, but I may eventually create my own WordPress site for my research. Every other week I will post reflections on my readings. At the end of finals week of this term (June 12th), I will produce a longer reflection summarizing my findings and determining which question I will focus on. This document will serve as a basis for writing my official literature review next term.



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