Arts & Business Alliance of Eugene Internship

Internship Site:

Arts & Business Alliance of Eugene (ABAE)

Mission: Through vision, leadership and service, the Arts and Business Alliance of Eugene is dedicated to enriching the cultural life of the Eugene community by acting as a catalyst for the creation of dynamic partnerships among the arts and business sectors.

Internship Description:

Working in a team to report on arts and business partnerships and activities in Eugene. The team will find events or partnerships, conduct interviews and edit footage that will be posted to the ABAE website and Eugene A Go-Go every 2 weeks. The team will work Connie VanFlandern to develop skills in interviewing and video production.

Work-Learning Goals:

Learning Goal #1: To learn more about the field of storytelling and arts journalism

To be met through the following tasks and responsibilities:

  1. Receiving training from professional in video reporting
  2. Getting hands-on experience in producing stories of arts & business partnerships
  3. Learning best practices for interviewing and documentation

Learning Goal #2: To gain skills in video production

To be met through the following tasks and responsibilities:

  1. Practicing skills in interviewing and crafting an on-camera personality
  2. Becoming more familiar with video editing and filming techniques
  3. Building a portfolio of video reporting work

Learning Goal #3: To explore!

To be met through the following tasks and responsibilities:

  1. Researching arts events in Eugene and interviewing artists and administrators
  2. Reflecting on experience in arts journalism in regards to research into facilitation
  3. Exploring the career of arts journalism

Weekly Log:

To see videos I edited, visit:
ABAE Vimeo Channel

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