
Students are required to serve a supervised internship of at least 200 hours in the summer between the first and second year of the program as well as complete two 1-credit courses in the Internship series.

In the fall quarter of the first year, in consultation with faculty, students begin to design their summer internship experience. During winter quarter, students enroll in Internship I, a 1-credit course that supports development of their summer internship. The required Research Methods course in winter term of the first year drives development of a preliminary research concept for the final master’s thesis, project, or capstone.

Internship II covers the summer internship experience, which will likely inform and refine this preliminary research concept, so that students are prepared to begin developing a detailed research design at the start of the second year of study as part of the required Research Proposal course. In the second fall quarter, students reflect, analyze, and present internship learning in the context of applying academic theory to contemporary arts management and make formal presentations of internships and ePortfolios for Internship III. The final research component commences in winter term of the second year in cooperation with an assigned faculty advisor. In winter and spring quarters of the second year, students register for thesis credits, research credits, or courses selected for the capstone option.


Facilitator & Program Intern with the Center for Digital Storytelling

Videographer & Arts Journalist Intern with the Arts & Business Alliance of Eugene

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