Marketing the Arts

Winter 2013

AAD 565 Marketing the Arts

Instructor: Darrel Kau

This course focuses on current marketing trends and issues selected by the instructor. Topics are selected for their importance in marketing the arts in both nonprofit and for profit environments, or because they have been omitted or underdeveloped in recent arts marketing literature. Although this is not intended to be a comprehensive marketing class, larger issues in both theory and practice of relative marketing topics chosen will be discussed.


Students will demonstrate understanding of the integral nature of marketing within a cultural organization by creating a marketing plan that will meet organizational specific objectives with measurable outcomes. The plan will include organizational, audience, and product analysis; detailed marketing strategies to meet stated objectives; a scheme for implementation; and evaluation methods.

Students will cultivate awareness of contemporary advertising methods within their own professional focus by gathering, evaluating and discussing examples. By analyzing marketing messages used in various media, students will demonstrate understanding of communication strategies through the collection of materials and written assessment.

Students will demonstrate knowledge of economics in marketing and behavioral decision making as it relates to the cultural sector and how contemporary marketing approaches can be used by cultural organizations of various sizes.

Students will research a marketing topic of interest and prepare a written overview of findings, including analysis of significant trends and relate the information to their own professional focus area.


Learning Logbook & Collected Materials

Research Paper & Presentation

Marketing Plan

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