Spring 2013
AAD 510 Public Folklore & Cultural Programming
Instructor: John Fenn
In this course we will explore practice and theory related to arts and cultural programming in the public sector. A primary focus will be the intellectual history of public (or applied) folklore, especially its intersection with the field of community arts. Readings, guest speakers, and focused discussions will illuminate a range of opportunities available to cultural workers of varied backgrounds: folklorists, museum specialists, community arts managers, or arts advocates. Exercises in project development (conceptualization, proposal writing, fieldwork plan) will provide opportunities to make initial forays into arts and cultural programming, or even to workshop an idea you have kicked around for a while. We will pay special attention to opportunities involving local and/or UO-related projects, though by no means will we limit ourselves to these! While the ten-week term curtails our ability to bring to fruition full-fledged projects, we will identify and discuss the kinds of skills that public folklorists or arts and cultural programmers bring to (and sometimes learn through) various long and short-term projects.