Cultural Admin: Grapes of Craft – Memorandum of Agreement

Memorandum of Agreement

Assignment Description:

Each team will submit a Memorandum of Agreement detailing your expectations for one another. These form the criteria against which you will assess you team’s strengths and weaknesses as the term progresses.



BETWEEN: Brant Handifl, Yi Liang, Edward Parker and Eveyln Thorne

OCTOBER 1, 2012

Terms of Agreement


The group members associated with this project are graduate students in the University of Oregon Arts and Administration Program.  The general focus of this group is to act as an organization that will plan and develop an arts-based street fair.  Members have determined that the street fair will have a primary focus on glass, as an artistic medium.  The street fair will serve as a platform for engaging participants through community-arts and cultural tourism.


Meeting Attendance

Members are expected to meet on a regular basis.  If a member will not be able to attend a meeting for any reason, advance notice must be provided to the group so that the group can either reschedule the meeting or continue at the designated time.

Contribution and Workload

Each member of this group is expected to assume an equal share of the workload.  Workload will be determined by the group and will be based on each group member’s strengths, degree of experience, and expectations for academic/professional development.  In situations where one member has a larger amount of workload than another, the group will need to partition the workload so that all members assume an equal share.


This group will not have a singular leader.  Leadership will be shared by the group based on each member’s strengths and weaknesses, as related to the variance of objectives and challenges that will be encountered throughout the development process.

Quality of Work

Each member is expected to work at a level comparable to a graduate student and/or professional.  Documents should be formatted to meet academic and/or professional standards.  Work should also be submitted to the group to review on or before a set deadline.

Teamwork and Cooperation

Each member agrees to participate fully and openly in this group.  In times where there is a dispute, the group will vote on how to proceed and will continue based on the majority.  It is expected that all group members cooperate, communicate and coordinate with each other in a respectful and professional manner.


Group communications will be administered in-person, by email, or via TeamLab project management software.  All group members shall be copied to emails associated with this project as a courtesy, regardless of whether or not every group member is actively engaged with the task or question at hand.


Nothing in this Agreement will preclude the members of this group from carrying out their respective academic duties and responsibilities.


This agreement and its provisions will terminate on December 7, 2012.



Art in Society: Student Learning Portfolio Part A

Student Learning Portfolio Part A

My Personal Learning Objectives


1) To use readings. discussions and lectures to work closer to discovering my own personnel and professional goals.

2) To gain a better understanding of how art functions in today’s society and where my interests and role fit.

3) To reshape my comprehension of aesthetics, cultures and transmedia through context.

4) To do my best on all assignments and especially for group work. To work on being a group member, not the leader of a group.

5) To participate in discussion but not dominate the conversation. To listen more.

Welcome to the AAD Learning Community!

This site represents your learning eportfolio for the duration of your studies in the graduate Arts and Administration Program at the University of Oregon. Creation of your site connects you to an emerging and dynamic AAD learning community composed of students, faculty, alumnus, and community partners.

On this site, you will find links to instructions on how to set up and maintain your site in the AAD Community Online environment, curriculum and advising guidelines, and using your learning eportfolio to reflect and demonstrate your academic and professional growth.

You can modify the look and feel of your learning eportfolio, use it to aggregate your social media tools, your classes, create a virtual “library” of resources you regularly use, communicate with your classmates, blog about your activities and insights, collaborate on projects, demonstrate your best work, and track your progress through the program.

To get started with your site, click [here]

For instructions on creating your learning eportfolio, click [here]