Transmedia Field Guide: Part B

Assignment Description:

Field guides of art worlds must cover these 4 sections:

  1. Introduction to art world/practice = a brief overview that provides key terms, definitions, and historical context
  2. Setting = a description of the participants, community, and/or context for the subject introduced in Section 1
  3. Transmediations = a narrated tour through a mininum of 7 (seven) transmedia resources that you used to map your subject
  4. Analysis = a critical discussion of the art world/practice under investigation that draws on course materials/texts, themes and issues from course discussions, and any relevant outside sources

My Field Guide Process

I chose to do my field guide on the Art World of AAD Students to learn more about the students’ current and former art worlds. I conducted a survey to gather information on the arts practices of AAD students. The survey includes questions about higher education, arts education, careers in the arts, informal arts practices, location of arts engagement, childhood arts participation and plans for future arts engagement. I compiled common lists and categories based on the answers from the survey and created a Prezi as an overview of the results. I also asked students to send me media of their arts engagement and created a gallery. I plan to hold an informal AAD Showcase at the beginning of next term for students to be able to share their art worlds with each other. The location and time of the AAD Showcase is still to be determined. Lastly, I wrote a reflection of my thoughts on the findings from the survey and I invite others to share their reflections as well.

My Field Guide to the Art World of AAD Students:

Please visit the website to learn more:

Here is a Prezi of the results of the survey I conducted for my field guide as a quick overview. Click full screen to see larger.

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