OFN Practicum: Week 7 Log

Emily, Maya and I met on Monday and we discussed our first postcards. Riki looked over them and suggested we edit the tone of the postcards to be more promotional and personal, instead of informational. If the idea of the map is to promote Oregon rural artists and the Oregon Folklife Network, we want the postcards to be a starting off point for more exploration. I had not thought of the postcards like this prior to this meeting, so I had to edit my postcard. I had written my postcard as more of a summary about an artist than a story with a hook. I’m still not sure if my edited postcard fits the tone Riki suggested, but I made an attempt. The revision of the 1st postcard is now posted and I’ve sent it to Emily and Riki to look over.

I also began work on my 2nd postcard this week. I called Tina and I got her permission to post about her on the map. I also told her I would email her the postcard once it is written. I started to write the postcard, but I decided not to finish it till I better understood the style OFN wanted me to use. Hopefully I will be able to finish it in week 8. Emily, Maya and I have agreed that we may not get to post 3 full postcards, but that posting the best model for future practicums is more important. We discussed the guidelines Maya and I wrote and Emily suggested that we write an official document as a resource for the next practicum. Emily also suggested that we make a list of possible artists (including non TAAP artists) for the rural map to be included in the document. I plan to email Nathan and see if we can add a rural category to the inventory. This will help us and future practicum students in the research process. Our hope is to lay the groundwork this term so that the process can be more streamlined in the future.

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