Biopic Movie

Assignment Description: Students create a 2-4 minute video biopic or one based on a passion that represents who they are, an interest, etc, but the intent is to create a piece that demonstrates their knowledge of how to use video as a viable communication tool in their Arts Management area study.

My Biopic:

[vimeo width=”300″ height=”200″][/vimeo]


This time I used iMovie and I liked it so much more. I still feel like I still have a lot to learn about the program, but in just a few hours, I turned out a much higher quality video than the one I made with Movie Maker. Although, this video was far less complicated to create. I only had one song, two kinds of transitions and the same pan movement for each picture. This is partly because the tone of the video necessitated a simple design, but also because I learned from last time that simple is better. I was worried that it would be difficult to insert an audio recordings over a song and then add a video on the end, but it wasn’t. The most difficult thing was timing the slides to the voice over, but I think it worked out well!



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