Personal Learning Environment (PLE)

Assignment Description: Students create a graphic representation of their Personal Learning Environment – examples on my blog from past cohorts, and links to PLE sites. A written and/or recorded narrative must accompany the PLE (depending on the media type used for presentation).

My PLE (click to see larger):


My Narrative

I had been looking through my textbook for Youth Arts Curriculum and I saw an art project in which kids drew an x-ray of their bodies and then filled it with things that are important to them. This idea resonated with me and I decided to use it for my PLE. This method allowed me to divide my learning environments by how I interact with them. Furthermore, it would show which of my senses where highly involved in my process of learning. To me, this PLE represents where I find knowledge, how I act on it and the values I uphold.

It is no surprise that listening takes up a larger portion of my senses. All of my stories start by saying, “So I was listening to…”. I love radio and since, I’ve now decided to pursue a career in radio, I’m trying to fill my ears with good radio. Recently, I’ve become obsessed with Radiolab, hence why it’s at the very front of my ears. I also included the iTunes symbol for my music and the Portland Poetry Slam, because that is what exposed me to good slam poetry. I only expect that this list will will grow as I discover more about radio and spoken word.

I am guessing that the site category could be much more extensive, but I tried to find symbols that represented the bulk of my time. I do spend a lot of time on social media, partly for ELAN, but also for my MetaphorADay twitter and writing blog. Though, since I do use Facebook constantly for socializing, it’s right there at the front. I also included a symbol for movies and Netflix, because why I like to watch shows online, I love to go out to movies. The Google symbol represents the rest of the internet because Google is how I access most things, but I chose the Alphonso Mucha version of the logo because it also shows my love of art (and specifically that artist). The “Reading is Sexy” sticker and the dinosaur from Dinosaur Comics are slightly comical, but I love to read and I religiously follow a few web comics.

The two hands represent two completely different set of actions. The left hand shows what I do on a daily basis: work on ELAN, do school work, write, and often craft. The other hand is a series of hand gestures that I often use at concerts. They create an evolution of feelings from power to encouragement to love. I feel like these symbols represent 3 main facets of the way I act.

Going to the mouth, this sense both intakes and exhales, so I tried to include both. I’m a poet so I say poetry, but I’m also a very social person, so talking and hanging with friends is important to me. I included my two favorite foods: tortellini and home-made juice. And then I added my favorite hobby: singing. This list could probably be much longer.

The last category is my feet, which I used to show the kind of physical activities I do. The photo of the pond shows both where I live and where I run. I also enjoy swimming and I bike almost everyday. But lastly, I included footprints on the left, because I know that this learning environment will change and if anything, I am always moving forward.


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