Student Learning Portfolio: Part B

Assignment Description: Statement of reflection regarding learning objectives posted on blog.


Original Learning Objectives:

1) To use readings. discussions and lectures to work closer to discovering my own personnel and professional goals.

2) To gain a better understanding of how art functions in today’s society and where my interests and role fit.

3) To reshape my comprehension of aesthetics, cultures and transmedia through context.

4) To do my best on all assignments and especially for group work. To work on being a group member, not the leader of a group.

5) To participate in discussion but not dominate the conversation. To listen more.


Reflection on Learning Objectives:


1) I definitely gained insight into the meaning of an art world through readings and discussions. My understanding of topics including aesthetics, power, politics, participation and trends grew and through that understanding I was better able to define my goals. For instance, conversations about participation and power further confirmed for me that I no longer want to work in a museum, while the module on the future made me realize that no goal is set in stone.

2) Through this class and others this semester I’m starting to see my role as less of an administrator and more of a facilitator. The two are not necessarily separate, but I want to be less of a leader and more of a motivator. As discussed in class, value can often be defined by critiques or leaders. This is difficult to avoid as an arts administrator, especially when you’re competing for resources, but my goal is to empower, not define.

3) I think this class mostly broadened my comprehension of aesthetics, cultures and transmedia. So, I would say I have a fuller understanding, but not a concrete one. The more you learn, the harder it is to come to a conclusion. At most I can say that I recognize the complexity of these topics and that transmedia is now on my radar.

4) I feel as though I did do my best on all assignments (particularly the field guide) and that everyone did share an equal part in our module group. Ideas came from the whole group and everyone contributed to the project. However, I yet again volunteered as editor. I’m starting to realize that being the editor is basically signing up to be the leader, since you have final say of the content. I like editing but I’m not sure if I want to keep doing this for a group process. It is good practice for mediation though. I will have to reflect on this further.

5) This is definitely my most difficult learning objective. I feel this constant need to share my opinion and I have to actively stop myself from talking. I tried to only speaking once on each topic and sometimes I was successful, other times I was not. However, at least I didn’t feel like I was dominating the conversation since so many other people actively participated. Yet, I don’t know if more people would have participated if I had spoken less. It’s a difficult thing to balance, but I’m working on it. I hope to one day take a facilitation training in order to help me with this issue.



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