These are the final two days of our study abroad. On the 28th, we all went out on a canal cruise, that to be honest, kind of turned into a little booze cruise. Of course, many of us brought a bottle of wine or two with us, and snacks, but this was more than the wine and snacks. This was our last adventures together as an entire group and it was amazing to see how close we had all come. Just 23 days earlier, none of use, besides having some classes together, really knew each other, but that didn’t matter. We all came on this trip because we are passionate about making the world a better place. Before coming on this trip, I went to the UO for a year and had only made 1 or 2 “friends” who were more like acquaintances. I didn’t really try to make any friends because I am a 27 year old who hadn’t been in college for 5 years. I thought that I couldn’t really connect with all the young students because not only the age difference, but because of my life experiences. I had a stereotype that most of these young students, especially those paying out of state tuition, were just spoiled kids who have had everything handed to them their entire life. When I found out I was going on this trip, I wasn’t sure how the group dynamic would be and I figured I would probably end up doing my own thing a lot during my free time. I had no idea how all my stereotypes and thoughts about connecting with young students would be smashed. During this trip, I actually spent a lot of my time with some of the youngest students in the group. It was amazing to see the passion in the other students. Being on this canal cruise, filled with smiles and laughter, showed how close we had all become over such a short period of time. This trip was so much more than sustainable bicycle transportation for me, even though that was a huge part of it. I learned a lot about myself on this trip as well and saw the world from so many different perspectives and viewpoints. I never could have imagined what this trip would mean to me. I don’t really have much else to report on what we did this day though. After the canal cruise, a bunch of us went out to dinner to a pancake house and then I met up with a someone I met in Copenhagen and her friend. We went and walked the Red Light District at night, which is crazy, and then her and I met Wally at a club to cap the night off.
The next day, the 29th, was the last day together. I overslept, being out too late, and rushed over to Volks Hotel to use their wifi and be in a nice space to do some work. I got there at 11:30am, thirty minutes before I needed to submit my 2-slide presentation that I would be doing in front of the class at 2pm. In good old Eric fashion, I got it done at the last minute and spent some more time doing research and thinking of what I was going to say in my 3 minute presentation. I then headed back to the Bicycle Hotel to change and get ready to head to the restaurant that we would be doing our presentations at and having our last dinner together. The presentation went fine and everyone did a great job. Ronald even surprised us again (he, his wife, and daughter all came to the canal cruise) by showing up for the presentations and dinner. Dylan thought of something he had done before and had everyone write their names on an envelope and then had everyone write something nice or a memory about everyone on the trip and put it in their envelope. This took me a while and I missed a lot of the dinner party because I really wanted to write something meaningful for everyone. I am really glad Dylan had us all do this because two days later, I read them all and may have shed a tear or two (thanks for all the kind words everyone!). After an amazing dinner and send off, a bunch of us went out to karaoke with Floris and Adam. I’m not sure I have mentioned Floris and Adam. Adam owns his own bike tour business and we were lucky enough to have him along with us. He set up so many things for us and Floris is a great young man that works for him. Karaoke was soooooo much fun and I even got up there and sang a few songs. Then after that, a bunch of us went out dancing and closed down the club. It was a perfect last day. I can’t believe I have finally finished my blog!!!! I think I may or may not write a few more post, for my family, about what I’m doing in Paris and London, before I get home. I just want to give a special shoutout to Marc and Rebecca for leading this amazing trip/”class”. This really was a life changing experience for me and I wouldn’t have changed a thing. I will always remember Marc’s high fives and reminders of how awesome and great the things we were privileged enough to be doing were. I will be taking some hygge and fire to make a change back home with me!