Uneasy: Realistic homes in the Silicon Valley

Redwood City:

Median Home Price: $1,300,000




East Palo Alto

Median Home Price: $931,700



As a culture we tend to look at and want the ideal dream house but never really value the average and typical lifestyle for what it actually is. As a society and American culture in general is constantly wanting more, there’s never an end to the amount of consumer and materialistic products. Although these homes are not as fancy or high scale as the others displayed on the previous page they offer shelter, warmth, safety and security. Along with providing a stable environment they are also located in one of the most desirable places to live. People all over the world wish to live in California, and Silicon Valley is one of the most influential places in the modern world and at this current time. The area provides access to some of the best public and private schools for children and has a wide representation of just about every job field possible, it is a cultivated place of growth, knowledge and prosperity. Living in a town like Redwood City and East Palo Alto allows you exposure to all the many amenities and great opportunities that Silicon Valley has to offer while still living an affordable and moderate lifestyle.



American culture forgets to recognize that as a whole and overall we are very fortunate individuals with access to a lot more than people in other countries. Most individuals have a place to go home to, family, food, and health; basic needs that other people from different lengths of the world struggle with on a day to day basis. We tend to forget about how fortunate we are as individuals living in a free country; one that allows you to express yourself, advance in school and work, own your own property, and have individual rights.