Up next on top ten places in the US to live we’re looking at Silicon Valley…
What makes it so appealing anyways and why do so many people want to live there?
Although Silicon Valley is surrounded by mostly suburb towns it is located just South of San Francisco making it relatively distant and near the city. It’s home to 2,000 tech companies, which happens to be the densest concentration in the world. This proximity to suppliers, customers, and cutting edge research gives each a competitive advantage. Silicon Valley creates a center for innovative companies to become highly profitable. That creates jobs, more tax revenue, and higher stock prices. It gives the United States a comparative advantage over other countries. Silicon Valley is the most important and happening place in the technology world. Silicon Valley is home to some of the most brilliant and inventive engineer/technology minds along with some of the most creative and artistic minds. The heart of Silicon Valley is located in Palo Alto and Menlo Park, and right near Stanford University; it is home to some of the best public and private education systems ranging from elementary school all the way to grad school and beyond. https://www.thebalance.com/what-is-silicon-valley-3305808
I also stumbled upon a list of 7 reasons why to live in San Jose, another major city in Silicon Valley: