Blog Post 1- The Glass Castle Discussion


While reading a few sections from the memoir “The Glass Castle,” written by Jeannette Walls, it was interesting to discover Walls’ parents’ lack of desire to receive financial support from their daughter. Jeannette Wallls’ parents preferred the simple, low-income lifestyle involving homeless nights on the streets. They explained that they were “living the way they wanted to” and would refrain from seeking assistance to improve their living conditions(Walls, 2005, p. 4) Jeannette Walls’ mother would request unnecessary items or personal services rather than accepting the financial help. She asked for products such as “a perfume atomizer or a membership in a health club(Walls, 2005,p. 4) Similarly, Jeannette Walls’ father would reject any assistance from Walls including lifestyle adjustments. Her parents believed Walls’ current life values were “confused” and should be reevaluated. I was shocked when I learned that Walls’ was forced to cook her own meals at about three years old. I was surprised that her parents were content with permitting their young child to cook accounting for the harmful risks. Walls explained that her earliest memory included her “wearing [a] dress to cook hotdogs”(Walls, 2005, p.9). During this event, she was three years old and was taught to cook herself food. Due to her parents lack of responsibility and proper parenting skills, Walls accidentally burnt herself. If Walls’ parents obtained the responsibility or task of cooking, the injury would not have occurred. I believe the parents should provide their children food and cook the meals, especially for young children under ten years. Young children do not obtain the metal capacity or knowledge to safely prepare meals or operate dangerous cooking machinery. Initially after reading about the hospital event, I wondered what leaving the hospital “Rex Walls-style” meant?(Walls, 2005, p.14). Although,I realized that leaving “Rex Walls- style” translated to escaping the hospital to refrain from paying hospital bills(Walls, 2005, p. 14).The Walls family did not have the finances to afford health insurance and were unable to pay the expensive burn treatment costs. They constantly move to various locations due to the inability to afford the house rent. When the children questioned the constant moves from home, Walls’ father referenced the bill collectors as henchman or the FBI.

2 thoughts on “Blog Post 1- The Glass Castle Discussion

  1. I love how you took an approach to show how that Jeannette was too young to be working with the appliances that resulted in her injury. There is definitely an age that is better suited to that time of motor skills and comprehension. I also wonder what else she could have been “too young for” throughout the story. And unfortunately, I think that that list is very, very long.

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