8 thoughts on “Episode 13 – Virus, redux

  1. Hi, I really enjoyed your episode. I thought it was fascinating how you talked how you talked about the directors connection to the Japanese new wave despite Creating more popular films.

  2. Hi, I really enjoyed your episode. I thought it was fascinating how you talked how you talked about the directors connection to the Japanese new wave despite Creating more popular films. Also the discussion about how during a time of great pandemonium it is best to work together.

  3. It’s cool to hear about a movie with some aspects similar to the one I researched, “A Visitor to a Museum.” Both movies are foreign and both have religious influence, but my movie was low budget and independent. It sounded like “Virus” was meant to be mainstream from its production. Religion is deeply rooted in so many aspects of our culture, seeing it in both popular and less popular places is fascinating and it shows how influential is still is today.

  4. Hi guys,
    I really enjoyed this podcast and think your analysis provoke many thoughts that will urge me to watch the film. I enjoyed how you guys explain the director’s history and how this film is his only one of this genre and features american actors. I thought it was interesting how you guys explains he lighting creating both hope and isolation in differnet situations. Also, the analysis of the merging of American blockbuster themes and language with Japanese language was very thorough and informational.

  5. I enjoyed your intake on how colorful the film is. It reminds me of the film Midsommar although that one is a horror film it is more of a colorful film for its genre. The way ya’ll talk about the film and the directors connection to the Japanese New Wave is interesting. I loved hearing the insight form your group on the film.

  6. Thanks for the research on this film. I have not watched the film yet, but I was interested in the film’s name. Today, the world is experiencing a bad virus, and I wonder if there is anything I would learn from this film. After learning from your podcasting, I notice that I have watched the Japanese director’s film, Battle Royale before, so I was more interested in this film.

  7. Thanks for the research on this film. I have not watched the film yet, but I was interested in the film’s name. Today, the world is experiencing a bad virus, and I wonder if there is anything I would learn from this film. After learning from your podcasting, I notice that I have watched the Japanese director’s film, Battle Royale before, so I was more interested in this film.

  8. Hey you guys! Great job on this podcast, I can tell you guys put a lot of research into making this as thorough as possible. One thing I think you guys did a great Job specifically was talk about the director and his unique relationship with Japanese new wave films even though most of his films used American actors. It was great hearing new material on this movie, and I hope you guys have a great summer.

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