Week 6
Midterm checking point and started the final project. This week I started collecting the footages from all the cinema pacific staff and other related participants. There were almost 1000 photos and 200 videos that I had to filter and it took most of the time of my week load.
Week 7
Lesson learned!! I forgot to export the first assignment from the trial version, and it is gone. During this week’s meeting, Eric helped me look where the project was stored on my drive and tried to grab the project files. Unfortunately, the files in the trail version were locked by the computer only if I bought the same version of final cut pro that I could get my files back. Eric suggested that I move on my final project and let it go. Looking into the bright side, I am learning where to look into when I cannot find my project and also I will never forgot to export again.
Week 8
Working on the final project, this time I decided to explore more effects and plugins. Moreover, I would like to discover audio functions. This week, I learned how to separate the soundtrack and the footage. Also, I created opening effects for the project and already finished editing a few events. Next steps are to bring all together, get a feedback from the director of Cinema Pacific, finish up the project.
Week 9
This week, I failed to obtain a feedback form the director. However I completed editing, exported it, and uploaded to Vimeo with a HD quality. The highlight video was about four minutes long and it was a video combined with footages and static photos which were taken during the festival. I worked heavily on the audio section this week and hopefully I can from the director soon.
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