Effective professional communication
Professional communication was consistently being practiced in BA 352, both orally and written. Oral professional communication was required at all times during group meetings. Without professional communication our group would of had a difficult time putting out ideas on our proposal. Considering that our proposal was focused on written professional communication, it was vital for our group to conduct discussions the same manner. This was done by respecting all opinions, challenging appropriately, and ensuring everyone’s voice was heard. Written communication was also consistently practiced during the term; we practiced through memo writing, resume writing, and cover letter writing. I am aware that I communicate well with others orally but need drastic improvement in written communication. I received very saddening grades on my written practices, however, it was pleasant in seeing my grades improve on every assignment.
” Edwin could really use improvement on his business writing skills, as often he had great ideas but had trouble putting them into words”. This quote was from a group member was given to me after final peer evaluations, I did not successfully demonstrate capable business writing. I feel I will get business writing down, I had a difficult time adjusting from a style of writing i’ve done my entire life. With more practice, which I am sure I will get, I will improve my writing skills. As I do not believe my ideas are an issue, I will continuously practice my business writing my thinking more in depth of my ideas so they can be put on paper easier. “Vocal leader, good at being a midway point for both perspectives, good at getting opinions from everybody”. This quote from my peer evaluations demonstrates that I am doing a good job communicating vocally. This quote makes me feel more confident about my future improvement in business writing. This is due to the fact that I am lacking writing experience and not thought process.
Overall, I will continue to work on my business writing skills by contacting the career services on ideas on how to improve. Since career services were primarily in charge of grading all our written work, I am sure i can receive valuable information.