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Professionalism Grade

I believe I deserve 45 out of 50 potential points for my professionalism grade. I believe I always approached class in a positive manner, BA 352 was actually my favorite class, I was always open to different ideas and structures. This class has been completely different than what I am use to. I am use […]


Final Blog Post

This entire term I was attempting to balance being a facilitator and recognizing when I need others to facilitate. I feel comfortable leading my team into discussion but felt I might of seemed like I did not care about others inputs or ideas. This is why I felt by asking questions, encouraging motivation, and challenging […]


Week 9

Presentations are over! We have come a long way, it was a difficult procedure due to the lack of direction, however, my group has grown on an individual and group level. Our first proposal was horrible and contained very little group knowledge. It was pleasant in being able to turn things around after our first […]


Week 8

Final week before presentations, this week has been full of opportunities to close out strong on our group progress. Realizing this week is the last week I will be able to work on my weakness, I constantly challenged my group mates and ensured approval from all teammates towards an idea. I was able to assign […]



This week has presented me the opportunity to work a lot on my weakness’. We have met as a group multiple times to work on our proposal. After receiving our grade on our rough draft we realized we were lacking a lot of work. However, this week allowed me and everyone else in my group […]


Week 6

After receiving feedback from my group, I have reconsidered my strengths and weaknesses. The entire term I have been attempting to ask more questions and actively have my group mates participate. After the feedback I received I concluded I have been doing a really good job getting my teammates involved; they all believe I do […]


Week 5

Week 5 presented opportunities for growth, such as working on my presentation skills, successfully implementing a contingincy plan, and accepting feedback on my weaknesses and strengths on groupwork. Presenting our project to the class allowed me to practice how well I communicate to others and think on the spot. Questions were thrown at me that ive […]


Week 4

This week presented my group with an opportunity to handle conflict. As a group we feel our draft proposal did not receive equal attention from all members. We felt some contributed more than others, the good news is no one was opposed to these thoughts. We all agreed it was not an attempt to put […]


Week 3

Week three has created an environment within my group that involves trust, equal efforts, and friendships. This week has made all of us more comfortable among each other, thus allowing us to work better as a team. We have successfully overcame our first issue, our need statement was not defined well enough, by brainstorming ideas […]


Getting Comfortable With Group Work

This past week I have realized how effective, efficient, and easy group work can be. Brainstorming as a team develops ideas that are  usually better defined than individual brainstorming. I believe this due to the simple activities done during class, these activities have lasted about 4 minutes each and the outcome has always been some […]


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